Google Chrome
Browser Support
VidCruiter’s platform works best when using the following browsers for desktop and mobile devices. For those interviewing via desktop, we recommend using Google Chrome as the browser of choice. To ensure ease of use, make sure that you’re using the latest version of whichever internet browser you choose.
To limit the risk of having connectivity issues, we recommend you close all internet browsers and tabs which you don’t need open for the interview. If you do experience a connectivity issue, simply refresh the page to start a new connection without having to exit or restart the interview.
Pre-Recorded Interviews
Desktop Browsers
- Google Chrome 63+ (latest release version)
*Recommended - Mozilla Firefox 50+ (latest release version)
- Edge 79+
- Safari 14.02+
Mobile browsers
- Android Devices: Google Chrome 63+
- iOS Devices where the iOS or iPad OS version is 14.3+: Safari
Live Video Interviews
Desktop Browsers
- Google Chrome (latest release version) *Recommended
- Safari 12+
- Edge Chromium 79+ *non-Chromium versions unsupported
Mobile browsers
- Android Devices: Google Chrome 56+
- iOS Devices: Apple Safari 12.1+
Bandwidth requirements
VidCruiter’s platform is designed to provide the highest quality audio and video interview experience regardless of your network conditions. However, to ensure high resolution and speed throughout, we recommend the following bandwidth settings for video and audio.
- Video: 300 kbps per stream (recommended lowest level)
- Audio: 50 kbps per stream (recommended lowest level)
Additional recommendations
To further ensure sound quality, privacy, and maximum connectivity throughout the interview recording or live meeting, we recommend using the following.
- A headset with microphone for improved sound quality and privacy.
- USB echo-canceling speakers for meeting room environments.
- Wired connections, rather than Bluetooth or wireless headsets, earbuds, speakers, etc. to maximize connectivity.